Archives for the Month of January, 2009

The Finished Ragdoll

I did manage to get the doll finished in time for The Girl’s birthday.  Barely.  I was up until 11:30 p.m. the night before, but who’s counting? It was not the easiest project I have ever done, and I found myself muttering, “I’m never making another one of these.”  But I said that when I […]

Peter Pan

Here’s the Peter Pan costume I made for The Boy for Christmas.  (From my own pattern.)  He loved it.  For some reason I forgot to slip the little sword into the belt when I took the picture, but there’s a little wooden sword that goes with it.  This was a very big deal as The […]

Ragdoll for The Girl

I was originally planning on making The Girl’s Big Girl Quilt for her first birthday, but let’s just say time got away from me.  I had been working on it a little bit, but I just wasn’t feeling the love for the way the wonky log cabin pattern was looking with the fabrics I had […]

The Gingerbread House or Cookie Love, Part 2

The Boy was asking and asking to make a gingerbread house this year.  How could I say no?  Last year was the first year in about ten that I did not make one, since I was about seventeen months pregnant and not very willing to stand in the kitchen any longer than say…two minutes.  This […]