Pajamas for The Boy

I bought this fabric while The Boy was still in my belly because I just knew he was going to be a boy.  I always wanted to make a shirt out of it for him, but never got around to it.  Since he is now rather particular about what he will wear, (how did that happen?) I decided to make some much needed pajamas for him.  When I showed him the pants and t-shirt together, he said, “they don’t match,” so I cut out a little patch, bonded it to the shirt, and zig-zagged around the edge. The time-to-result-ratio was off the charts on this, so I think more of these t-shirts are in my future.

3 Responses to “Pajamas for The Boy”

  1. kangaroo writes:

    sooooo darn cute. you could sell these, you know. hmmm….

  2. Maggie writes:

    What great PJ’S…lucky boy to have such an awesome Mama!

  3. exhale. return to center. writes:

    oh my! they are great! my kiddos would love them. (i have two super-sensitive, no tags, no scratchy fabric kids!)

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