Christmas is Coming

I was so proud of myself for getting the Halloween costumes done with time to spare that I vowed then and there to have all of my Christmas preparations done early as well.  I set myself the goal to have all of my shopping, wrapping, mailing and crafting done by the end of November.  I want to be able to enjoy this season with the kids, and not be finishing gifts at 11:30 p.m. on Christmas Eve.

Then we all got sick.  Three times. I didn’t even know it was possible to get a cold three times in a month.  One of those was for two weeks!  Anyway, I did manage to get a little done during that time, and I still feel like I’m in good shape, although I don’t have as much done as I had hoped.  But I keep telling myself that even if I were to wrap everything I have right now, we’d have a great Christmas.  So whatever I get done from now until then is just icing on the cake.

I always like to have a nice mix of bought and made gifts.  This year, I’ll be leaning heavily on the crafted gifts, which makes me really happy.  Also,  throughout this year, I have been picking up items at the thrifts for the kids, and stashing them away.  I know there are people who would absolutely shudder at the thought of this, but again, it makes me really happy to give new life to something that’s been discarded by someone else.

I also plan to spend more time just being with the kids, and enjoying the holiday.  Trying to place more emphasis on being together, having fun, crafting and cooking, and less emphasis on the gluttony of gift-devouring for an hour of Christmas Day.  All while trying to find the right balance between the two, knowing that the magic of the arrival of Santa and the opening of new toys is certainly a highlight of the traditional Christmas celebration.

To make life easier on myself, I decided not to make any preserves this year, not to bake as many cookies, and I decided to limit my handmade gifts to those who can appreciate them.  No sense in making something for someone if you know they’re not even going to like it or use it.

Thankfully, The Boy is getting a little easier to craft for.  This year he asked for a stuffed cat.  It’s already done, and I’ll show it to you as soon as I get photos of it.  The Girl is easy.  For her, I am making a doll quilt and cradle.  I’ll show you that as soon as it’s done.

I also have plans for some more wooden animals, a mask and cape set, and some bendy dolls.  I am in the process of fixing up my childhood dollhouse for the kids, and I am having so much fun with it.   Who knows what I’ll get done by Christmas, but I’m actually taking my time and realizing that it’s all about the joy and the act of doing it, not just rushing through it for the sake of having it done.

2 Responses to “Christmas is Coming”

  1. MamaBird writes:

    You are so set, mama. I love your mindset, your crafty gift choices and your ability to let go. The season will reward you for it all.

  2. exhale. return to center. writes:

    people shudder at the thought of thrifted gifts? really?

    hopefully not any of the people on my shopping list because that’s pretty much all i’m doing (along with handmade) this year! ;-)

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