Fruit Gelatin

I remember so well the Jello of my youth.  I loved the stuff.

But I don’t really want to feed my kids what is basically artificially flavored and artificially colored sweetened water.  The Boy came home one day asking if I knew how to make Jello.

Of course I do!

This is a great treat to make with your kids because it takes so little time and makes almost no mess.

Rose’s All Natural Fruit Gelatin

2 cups fruit juice (we used cranberry-blueberry)

1 Tablespoon agave nectar (optional)

1 packet gelatin

Combine juice and agave in a small saucepan over medium-low heat.  Sprinkle gelatin over the top of juice and stir well.  Heat gently until gelatin is dissolved.  Pour into container and refrigerate until firm.

One Response to “Fruit Gelatin”

  1. mama bird writes:

    My kid’s love jello – especially with little chunks of fruit added in and some whipped cream on top. I’m going to replace my sugary recipe with yours. Thanks!

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