Archives for the ‘Keeping House’ Category

White on White

A few years ago, The Daddy Monkey and I moved into the smallest of our home’s bedrooms, the room that was once The Boy’s nursery.  When we had to switch bedrooms around years ago, we found ourselves hastily moving into a periwinkle blue room.  Years later, the same art and belly casts still hung on […]

Kitchen Rugs

Here are the rugs I hinted about.  I really love them.  The instructions can be found in the book Patchwork Style by Suzuko Koseki.  (The same book I used to make these two little purses.) Made entirely of patchwork from my stash.  I am really mindful of trying to use what I have lately.  Again […]


It is such a small thing that it hardly deserves blogging, but I’ve been making these knitted dishcloths and I’m really liking them.  I made an enormous ball of tulle-yarn and I probably have enough to make about a thousand of these.  Which is exactly how many I want. I’ve lately been thinking about practical […]

On Being a Radical Homemaker

I’m reading the book Radical Homemakers by Shannon Hayes right now, and I couldn’t even wait until it was finished to talk about it here.  It has my brain positively buzzing.  In a good way. For those of you who haven’t read it (it seems to be all over the blogosphere right now), it’s about […]

Toy Box

This was my toy box when I was a little girl.  My mother made it in a woodworking class when we lived in Kansas.  I was not known as a neat child by any means, and I found the toy box to be a great place to hide, rather than a great place to put […]

The New Dishwasher

Our dishwasher finally went kaput.  It’s been on the fritz for months, and to be honest, it has never worked right in the few years we’ve had it.  It did the worst job washing dishes, as opposed to our old one which would wash anything.  I swear you could put a whole chicken in there […]