Archives for the ‘Rhythm’ Category


I couldn’t help but feel a small sense of accomplishment on Candlemas this year. This marks our first full year of festivals.  It was with Candlemas last year that I began our year of rhythm. This year I did manage to spread the festivities out over a few days, but not by much.  I’m still […]

Celebrating Fall :: Day 2 :: Michaelmas

I had been wanting to celebrate Michaelmas with the kids since I first read about it, thinking it would be a great fit for The Boy, who has always had a passion for all things knightly.  Since I learned my lesson to not try to cram it all into one day like I did with […]

Random Thoughts and a Late Summer Dinner

I’ve been off the computer lately.  Trying to be anyway.  I see what a huge timesuck it can be for me, so sometimes I try to take a step back from it when I see I am turning it on too many times a day.  It feels good.  So there’s been a lot of time […]

Simplicity Parenting

I love this book.  No other parenting book has ever spoken to me in a way that so completely embodies the kind of parent I want to be.  I read through it, marking many, many pages, and I plan to go through it again with a fine tooth comb, so to speak. I don’t really […]

On Napping

Since writing about sleep and rest yesterday, I have been thinking about napping.  We are big nappers in our house.  The Boy napped until age four, and I can still get him to occasionally take a nap with me.  The Girl still naps every day, and I hope she will continue to nap for as […]

The Word of the Year :: Rhythm

I never really liked making new years resolutions.  Something about the whole idea just never really rang true with me.  Inspired By The Bird’s tradition of choosing a word for the year, I have chosen rhythm to be my word this year. Last year, I made balance my word of the year, and it was […]