Archives for the Month of July, 2011

Two-Day Retreat :: Day 2: Knitting and the Beach

Day two of my personal retreat was just as good as day one, in its own way.  In the morning, The Daddy Monkey took the kids to his parent’s house for a swim, and I had a quiet house all to myself. Inspired by yesterday’s meditation retreat, I took the morning to clean and declutter […]

Two-Day Retreat :: Day 1: Meditation

Having had such a difficult time lately, The Daddy Monkey suggested that I “take the weekend off.”  With that in mind, I made a commitment to recharge my own batteries and restore my sense of balance over this weekend. I began by getting some much needed acupuncture on Thursday evening, to help soothe my over-taxed […]

still life :: knitting and impermanence

I’ve been carrying this sweater with me everywhere.  Row by row, I had the entire body of the sweater finished and bound off.  It was time to start the sleeves when I realized I’d made a huge mistake. I was pretty proud of myself for not having a total meltdown when I made the discovery. […]