Archives for the Month of January, 2011

A Few Purses and a Sad Wallet Story

Last year, before our summer trip to New York, I decided I needed a small bag to slip into the big messenger bag I carry whenever we are in NYC.  Whenever the big bag has to be checked (such as in a museum or store) the small bag can hold my wallet and phone. Both […]

Gingerbread House 2010

I know it’s a bit late to be posting photos of the gingerbread house, but since I shared the the last two here, it seemed only fitting that this one be recognized as well. This year I had real help from The Girl.  The Boy did help a bit, then wandered off to build Lego. […]

The Northern Light

I don’t think I’ve been shy about my love for New York.  I suppose it’s because everything is so different from Florida, even the sunlight.  While we were visiting last month, I finally had the pleasure to become acquainted with Northern sunlight.  I never really quite understood what all the fuss is about, having lived […]

A Day in the Life :: Homeschool

Since we have started homeschooling (a mere eight weeks ago), several people have asked how it’s going and how it works.  We are brand-new to this whole thing, and I feel like we still have much to learn (both of us). Now that the holidays are over and we are back at home, a new […]

Snow, Rocks, and Naked Trees

For this Florida girl, the snow was quite a sight.  It started to snow in the afternoon on Boxing Day, and was still coming down when I went to bed at 10 p.m.  I just couldn’t get enough of it.  The Daddy caught me staring out the window more times than I could count.  Didn’t […]

The Word of the Year :: Mindfulness

I do still have lots to share from our holidays.  Snow, snow, and more snow.  It was a fun Christmas, but it’s always good to be back at home. We’ve never travelled during the holidays before, and it had its own set of challenges. I’m wishing things had been a bit more relaxed.  And while […]