Archives for the Month of January, 2010

Waldorf and Humility

I think one of the most important traits that a parent can have is humility.  For me, that means being able to admit to my mistakes and see opportunities to do things better in the future.  To parent organically; always evolving to the needs of my ever-changing children. Lately, my mothering instincts have been leading […]

Planting Freesia

When we took down the Christmas tree this year, I bought some flower bulbs to plant to welcome the oncoming spring.  I prepared all my supplies ahead of time, and invited the kids to come in the backyard for a project.  I’m now learning that the key to keeping them happy and involved is to […]

Happy Birthday, Part 2

Here’s some more crafty goodness from The Girl’s birthday. The spring bunting became happy birthday bunting with the addition of a few new letters. The bendy dolls I made for The Girl’s new dollhouse.  These took So. Long. To. Make. Beautiful thrifted oak caddy for her art supplies.  When she wants to use it she […]

The Word of the Year :: Rhythm

I never really liked making new years resolutions.  Something about the whole idea just never really rang true with me.  Inspired By The Bird’s tradition of choosing a word for the year, I have chosen rhythm to be my word this year. Last year, I made balance my word of the year, and it was […]

Happy Second Birthday!

The Girl just turned two!  I will dispense with the “oh my how did this ever happen” and “they grow up so fast.”  But really.  Two? All signs of babyness are gone.  She is smart, strong, and sweet, and most definitely two. Last year we had a very sweet and simple party.  Being the inveterate […]

Hello 2010!

Whew!  I try not to be one of those people that gets carried away with the hectic-ness of the holidays, and I think I did really well with setting limits and not taking on too much, but I feel like I haven’t stopped moving since I started sewing Halloween costumes in September!  Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, […]