Archives for the ‘A Year of Choice’ Category

finding joy

Life has been rough this year. And lately I’m finding myself wallowing around in it.  I’ve been here before, and I recognize the space I’m in. I was really feeling sorry for myself, and I remembered this post by Erin at Bluebirdbaby. It sums up how I feel right now. Erin says, “Everyday, heck…every second, […]

I Love the Sky

I’ve always been a great sky lover.  It’s always changing.  Always different. Always beautiful. It’s one of my favorite things in the whole world.  When things are making me crazy, I like to look up at the sky. Kind of ironic, being grounded by the sky.

Homeschool: One Year Later

Well, it’s been nearly a year since we started homeschooling.  I’ll admit I’ve been through all the emotions: happiness, confusion, bliss, hopelessness, desperation, joy and acceptance.  A wise friend told me that the only way to get through it was to change my perception.  My children, and the situation at public school certainly aren’t going to […]

still life :: knitting and impermanence

I’ve been carrying this sweater with me everywhere.  Row by row, I had the entire body of the sweater finished and bound off.  It was time to start the sleeves when I realized I’d made a huge mistake. I was pretty proud of myself for not having a total meltdown when I made the discovery. […]

making me happy

Homemade organic blueberry jam. Our new veggie patch, which is still a work in progress. My first ever visit to the feed store. So much fun! Reading, reading, reading. Knitting this sweater.  For me. Clouds. Flame vine in full bloom, and full of bees. Baking gluten free chocolate chip coconut donuts for my (almost) seven […]

a good weekend

Yet another beach photo.  But–it is a photo of a different beach.  I love that my children get to know all of the beaches in our area.  They always want to know which one we are going to, and each has its own perks.  This one happens to be the closest to our home.  We […]

Embracing Summer

It’s hard to believe that summer is already upon us.  In some ways (the culinary ones), I am delighted that summer has arrived.  Temperatures in the mid-90’s make me not so glad that summer has arrived. It’s about this time of year that I begin to get twitchy, thinking about how much worse the heat […]

The Sandwich That Changed My Life

Oh hello there.  I’ve missed you.  I am still here. We went tomato picking at our local farm today.  One dollar for a full plastic bag.  That equates to about 14 pounds of tomatoes for a dollar.  How could I pass that up?! I spent a total of five dollars on 73 pounds of tomatoes, […]

More Sickness and Yellow Stripes

I’m sure you know that the progress on this sweater can mean only one thing: The Boy unfortunately came down with The Girl’s flu.  For some reason the Daddy Monkey and I have been spared (so far, anyway) and for that I am extremely grateful. <repeats to self> I am healthy, I am healthy, I […]

Sickness Strikes Again and Lots of Knitting

The Girl was afflicted with a serious stomach virus over the weekend.  She’s still feeling weak and moving slow, but I think she’s on the mend…finally.  And I didn’t really pop in here to write about that (although it will explain my absence from this space over the last few days).  The silver lining on […]