Archives for the ‘Seasonal Rhythms’ Category

winter nature table 2013

Even though it is not feeling very spring-like, I’m clearing the nature table in anticipation for spring. Whenever she decides to arrive.

new year’s celebration 2013, and the word of the year

We are not much for partying on New Year’s Eve. Even in our younger days, we preferred to spend a quiet evening at home. While trying to instill a sense of the passage of time with the kids, I thought it might be fun to mark the occasion with a celebration. Since the winter solstice zipped […]

a visit from st. nick

St. Nicholas paid us a visit last night! Each year I share Christine Natale’s stories of St. Nicholas in the days leading up to the festival. This year, The Boy remembered quite well each story, and the lesson in each. The yearly rhythm of festivals resonates deeply within him–a fact that brings me great joy, […]


We had yet another lovely Martinmas this year. Keeping it the same from year to year makes it easy on mama and gives a feeling of anticipation, comfort, and familiarity to the kids. Same lanterns, same stories, same location, and same dinner. It was all delightfully predictable.   The weather was cool and crisp. Absolutely […]

with thanks

We had a lovely holiday weekend filled with sunsets, parties, turkey, and relaxing. Our nature table is overflowing, and it’s hard to believe that I’ll be clearing it for Advent soon. But for now, I am trying to squeeze out the last bit of enjoyment that I can out of Thanksgiving and autumn. So very […]

halloween 2012

Dress-up is pretty big in this house. I think the reason I go through all the trouble of making halloween costumes, is that I know I will see them in action for months, maybe years to come. I didn’t get as early a start on costumes as I usually do, but I managed to pull […]

michaelmas :: day 3

On day three of our Michaelmas celebration, we began with a retelling of my story, “The Brave Dragon,” (originally told on day one). Afterwards, we made wooden swords. The Daddy Monkey and I have collaborated on many swords over the years, so this one was a very simple process. I simply traced my sword template onto […]

michaelmas :: days 1 and 2

This is our third year celebrating Michaelmas, and I have to say I’m starting to really enjoy it. It took me a while to fully understand it, and each time we celebrate, I think I get just a little bit more out of it.  Michaelmas is the first festival in the autumn season, and it […]

summer nature table

This summer went by in a blur. I’m always glad to have these little records of where we were and what we did. Always amazed and humbled that these little collections have become such an important part of life. Each little treasure brought to me and stashed in my knitting bag until we get home. […]

winter nature table

Here’s what our winter nature table looked like before I cleared it off for spring.  I love that all of our nature tables contain seashells. Even in the winter.