Archives for the Month of June, 2009

The Boy is FIVE!

What a crazy week we had last week!  The Boy turned five,  we went to Disney World, and then had a party.  In the days leading up to his birthday, I was so busy finishing up last minute crafting and packing for our trip that I was completely unprepared for the emotion I would feel […]

Happy Father’s Day

First, please go watch this video.  It is of track star Derek Redmond at the 1992 Summer Olympics.  He was favored to win the 400 meter race, but halfway through the race he tears a hamstring and falls to the track, cringing in pain.  He decides to finish the race as his father pushes his […]

Pleasure Overload

Here’s this week’s Date Night menu: Smoking Loon Cabernet Sauvignon Duck Breasts with Mushrooms Mashed Potatoes Steamed Carrots Fresh Organic Greens with Balsamic Honey Vinaigrette Lindt Chili Chocolate My bastardized duck recipe is based on the one in Paula Wolfert’s Cooking of South-West France.  The first time I ever cooked duck it was from this […]

Fruit Gelatin

I remember so well the Jello of my youth.  I loved the stuff. But I don’t really want to feed my kids what is basically artificially flavored and artificially colored sweetened water.  The Boy came home one day asking if I knew how to make Jello. Of course I do! This is a great treat […]

See You Soon, Farm

I’ve spoken before about how much I love our local organic farm.   They’ve had their last stand days until August, and I am going to miss them! I suppose that they are having their off-season since it is so very hot here in the south this time of year. The soil needs to lie fallow […]

A Letter to Time

Dear Time, Please slow down.  How did these children get so big? Life is going by so fast that I hardly have time to catch my breath. These children, who seek to find joy and happiness in every moment, are my teachers and yet I am so busy that sometimes I don’t pause to notice. […]

Pickle Fest ’09

Once upon a time many years ago, my mom made homemade pickles.  They blew me away and I’ve been wanting them ever since.  I’ve been on a quest for decent pickles for a while now, to no avail.  Why do the pickles at the store have to have preservatives in them?  Isn’t the fact that […]

Date Night Dinner

I got lucky at the grocery store, and found lamb chops for $9.99 a pound instead of the usual $19.99 a pound. Saturday’s Grownup Date Night menu: Smoking Loon Cabernet Sauvignon Broiled Lamb Chops with Lemon Zest, Garlic, and Rosemary Yukon Gold Potatoes with Dill Broiled Zucchini, Yellow Squash, and Onion Fresh Organic Greens and […]

A Tale of Attachment

Once upon a time, I had a piece of fabric in my stash.  I loved it so much that I dared not ever cut it.  Every time I went to Joann’s, I looked for it again, and they did not have it. Finally I decided to use it before I fell out of love with […]

The Bicycle Lesson

A surprise bike from the thriftshop. The first lesson: A father running alongside, never letting go no matter how much his back ached. A boy, so close to being five and all of the exciting changes that come with it. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: It is scenes like this that make me remember why I’m doing this.