Archives for the Month of March, 2010

Sick, sick, and more sick.

I have mentioned lately that we have been sick.  It has been nonstop for the last four weeks.  No joking.  And we’ve had it all: head colds, sinus infections, ear infections, stomach flu, and bronchitis.  Enough is enough!  I have paid out more in the last month to doctors, pharmacies, health food stores, and acupuncturists […]

WIP Wednesday: Yellow Quilt

I decided to play along with Nicole today, and share one of my many WIP’s.  Here are the humble beginnings of the Yellow Quilt. I’m doing this completely improv, making it up as I go.  The last quilt I did that way was so much fun, and very liberating.  No math!  I’m using a quilt-as-you-go […]

Fresh Bread for Sick Tummies

I was a long week, last week.  We all had the flu in one form or another. It’s times like this that I am grateful for the bread machine, which allows me to serve fresh baked bread with very little effort.  I’m all about making it by hand, but sometimes it’s more about the finished […]

this moment

Playing along with Amanda today.  In her words: {this moment} – A Friday ritual. A single photo – no words – capturing a moment from the week.  A simple, special, extraordinary moment.  A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. If you’re inspired to do the same, leave a link to your ‘moment’ in […]

My New Zafu

Here’s my new zafu.  I roughly followed the tutorial found here.  I know it’s not necessary to have gear for meditation, but it certainly is more pleasant to have a comfortable place to sit.  I really enjoyed sewing this, it’s another one of those mindful sewing projects that I love.  This is actually the second […]

Delicata and Kale Soup

I am so in love with this soup right now.  This is the soup I served at The Girl’s birthday party, and it is so easy to make, it’s like some kind of miracle. I am absolutely in love with delicata squash, but you could use any winter squash you like: butternut, acorn, or what […]

Simplicity Parenting

I love this book.  No other parenting book has ever spoken to me in a way that so completely embodies the kind of parent I want to be.  I read through it, marking many, many pages, and I plan to go through it again with a fine tooth comb, so to speak. I don’t really […]

A Very Yellow Day

So what do you do when spring finally arrives to your Florida doorstep, and you want to sing it from the mountaintops? Wear your new yellow tights with your new gray corduroy skirt.  (I think I finished this skirt just in time for it to be too hot to wear it, but I love it […]

New Baby Gifts

A very dear friend from high school is about to have her first baby.  I am so excited and happy for her.  Wanting to send a little handmade love her way, I decided to knit a hat for the baby and sew a sling for her. Here’s the sling I made.  I really hope that […]

I love you, France

Eiffel Tower, painted by me, November 2002 Dear France, I love you.  I love your language, I love your chefs, I love your crepes, and I love your music.  I love your films,  I love your perfume, I love your painters, and I love your flowers.  I love your icon, I love your fashion, I […]