Archives for the Month of February, 2010

Special Delivery

I delivered two special packages today. One was full of home made brownies and was hand delivered. A little bear says, “thank you.” The other package was delivered to the post office, to be sent to a cold, cold place. I drew a bit of sunshine for them, on one of The Girl’s paintings.

New Sweater for The Girl

I recently cast on a new summer sweater for The Girl.  It’s the Eyelet Yoke Cardigan by Lion Brand Yarn.  I actually found enough Rowan All Seasons Cotton in the stash I picked up at the thrift shop a few months back.  The yarn feels really great and knits up like a dream.  Three cheers […]


Just like my mom, I love popcorn.  Just like me, The Girl loves popcorn.  We are pretty serious about the stuff around here.  We eat it most days of the week, and I’m pretty much a purist about it.  I hate microwave popcorn; the stuff is an abomination.  This is cheap, healthy, delicious, and easy.  […]

Breadmaking With The Boy

A Beautiful Thought for Valentine’s Day

Wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving. -Khalil Gibran I’ve been trying to keep this quote in my heart and my mind for the past few days.  I have been so grouchy in the mornings lately, especially since it’s so cold and dark in my house when […]

Happy St. Valentine’s Day!

Here are the valentines The Boy and I made last Sunday while The Daddy Monkey and The Girl napped. It was a team effort, with Art Direction by The Boy.  Construction paper, glitter, and glue.  What could be better than that? Wishing you a warm St. Valentine’s Day, filled with love and chocolate!


Here is the wheatgrass we planted just last week.  We have all enjoyed watching this grow, and are astounded at how quickly it has sprung up.


Since we are now honoring more yearly rhythms in our family, (and really, who needs an excuse to celebrate?) we celebrated Candlemas/Imbolc/Groundhog Day yesterday.  Even though our celebration borrows a bit from many traditions, I have chosen to simply call it Candlemas.  Candlemas is a cross-quarter holiday, which means it falls at the midpoint between […]

Winter Nature Table

Since we’re about to clear out our winter nature table to make space for Candlemas, I thought I would share it here.  This is the first “official” nature table I have set up for the kids, and they loved it!  That’s the freesia we planted a few weeks ago.  I’m always amazed at how quickly […]