Archives for the ‘Homeschooling’ Category

Homeschool: One Year Later

Well, it’s been nearly a year since we started homeschooling.  I’ll admit I’ve been through all the emotions: happiness, confusion, bliss, hopelessness, desperation, joy and acceptance.  A wise friend told me that the only way to get through it was to change my perception.  My children, and the situation at public school certainly aren’t going to […]

The Homeschool List

I recently put some of the responsibility of school in The Boy’s hands.  Inspired by The Bird’s morning list for her girls, I made a list for The Boy to check off through his school day.  It is working! The best part is, once it’s done, it’s DONE!  Monday, we had one of our best […]

this moment

In Amanda’s words: This Moment – A Friday ritual. A single photo – no words – capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

May Day

We celebrated our first May Day today.  Being a cross-quarter day, marking the midpoint between the spring equinox and the summer solstice, it signifies the peak of spring, and the forthcoming summer.  We joined together for flower crafting, singing, dancing, playing and feasting.  Enjoying the sunshine and fresh air, as many many before us have.  […]

School at the Beach

Well I sort of disappeared from this space for a while there.  I’m sure you can guess why:  I came down with the flu the kids had. Somehow The Daddy Monkey was spared.  But today we are all sick with some sort of sinus cold.  So rather than focus on how much sickness I’ve dealt […]


I couldn’t help but feel a small sense of accomplishment on Candlemas this year. This marks our first full year of festivals.  It was with Candlemas last year that I began our year of rhythm. This year I did manage to spread the festivities out over a few days, but not by much.  I’m still […]

A Day in the Life :: Homeschool

Since we have started homeschooling (a mere eight weeks ago), several people have asked how it’s going and how it works.  We are brand-new to this whole thing, and I feel like we still have much to learn (both of us). Now that the holidays are over and we are back at home, a new […]

this moment

In Amanda’s words: This Moment – A Friday ritual. A single photo – no words – capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

The Beginning of the Journey

Lately, the wise words of Lao Tzu have been in my thoughts: “The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” After a very long soul-searching, and a very long path, we have decided to homeschool.  Our reasons for doing so are as complex as education itself.  I’m still having a hard time explaining […]