A Magical Beach Day

We met the usual group of friends at the beach on Saturday evening for a dinnertime picnic and swim.  We all fell into a nice rhythm of sitting and swimming, so the kids were never without an adult in the water, and there was plenty of adult conversation on the beach.  We ate.  We sipped beer from plastic cups, and enjoyed the beach and each other.  I cannot believe that I forgot my camera at home.  But now I will have to remember it how I experienced it, rather than how my camera saw it.  I snapped a few sunset photos with my phone.

We saw:

black rainclouds roll in and then blow over our heads

a rainbow

a wedding

real pirates

a group of dolphins swim past

a sunny, cool rain shower while swimming in the warm summer water

a glorious sunset

and the moon appear.

The kids had so much fun that we were able to stay well past bedtime, until it was dark.  A quick rinse-off in the showers, and pajamas were waiting in the car.

It is days like this that make me so grateful for the beautiful life that I have.

“The Sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever.” –Jacques-Yves Cousteau

6 Responses to “A Magical Beach Day”

  1. kangaroo writes:

    beautiful. i was there in spirit, and hearing you and others tell the story holds it in a high place for me. here’s to many, many more magical beach days with our very special commune.

  2. Kimmie writes:

    Oh my, allthough you took the pictures with your cell, i can still see the loveliness of your beach. It looks divine!

  3. Becky writes:

    We are so blessed to live here…our very own paradise.

  4. exhale. return to center. writes:


    i just returned home from watching the sun set on the beach. i too was swept away by the magic of it all.

  5. mama bird writes:

    So sorry to have missed this magical evening. Thank you for sharing its essence here. You painted a picture well beyond what any camera could have captured.

  6. Maggie writes:

    I loved experiencing it all again here. Thank you. I hadn’t noticed the dragon in the clouds until I saw your picture! We’ll have to do it again.

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