The Word of the Year :: Rhythm

I never really liked making new years resolutions.  Something about the whole idea just never really rang true with me.  Inspired By The Bird’s tradition of choosing a word for the year, I have chosen rhythm to be my word this year.

Last year, I made balance my word of the year, and it was in my thoughts every day.  I made great strides in finding the right way to balance my needs with those of my children and husband.  The Boy started going to school after five years at home with me, and The Girl is now weaned and sleeping in her own bedroom.  I really started making an effort to take care of myself more.  I’m really proud of all of it.

By seeking rhythm this year, I hope to find the right time and the right place for everything.  To be more steady in my movements and thoughts, and to try to slow down a bit, knowing that every idea’s time will come eventually.  I don’t have to try to do everything at once. I’m also working towards finding more rhythm with the kids.  We’ve got a lot of our daily rhythms in place, but I feel there is always room for improvement.  It became clear from the very start that rhythm and routine were what worked for The Boy, and it’s what works for me, too.

There have been several “road signs” along the way that have shown me that I’m on the right path this year, and we’re only a few weeks in.  The few steps I have taken already have really resonated with the kids, especially The Boy.

I can’t wait to see what this year has in store for us.

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