The Promise of a New Journal

I’ve been feeling a bit mixed up lately.  Lots of Big Thoughts going through my head.  Thoughts about home, life, children, education, religion.  You know, the little things.

Sometimes when I feel a bit scrambled and need to think or just vent, I reach for my journal.  Only this time I pulled out my journal and as I flipped through its pages, I was overwhelmingly overcome with how awful some of the things written in my journal were.  I’ve always seen my journal as a place where I can “let it all hang out” so to speak.  But this was just bad.  I read through some of it thinking, “this isn’t even me anymore.”  How could I possibly write in such a space?

Now that I am trying really hard to “use it up, wear it out, make do, or go without,” I told myself I would have to go on in that book.  But I simply could not bring myself to write in that journal.  And this is not the first time I have done this.  I have several unfinished journals in my home.  But I came to the realization that it’s okay to let go of an old journal.  I try to think of each book as a different chapter in my life.

So I bought a new Moleskine.  How I love these books. This time I vowed to let my journal be about me.

I took it home and gave the front page a wash of vibrant yellow.  And I placed on it a simple message to myself.


3 Responses to “The Promise of a New Journal”

  1. amy writes:

    Rose, that front page is lovely. Never thought about water painting a whole page. I also have many unfinished journals and as well, have such a time with the first page of a new journal. It feels so important, doesn’t it, as if how you begin it is in itself a statement. Like it could be the start of anything. Hope this new moleskin of yours (i have been eyeing one myself recently at the bookstore) draws forth all the parts of you that are getting lost in your head as you go around doing life and taking care of those you love.

  2. maggie writes:

    Nothing like the first page of a new book…I wish you the most beautiful chapter yet!

  3. Tammy writes:

    So special. A book of one’s own.
    (with apologies to Virginia Woolf)

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