Archives for the ‘Let’s Talk About Me’ Category

A Mindful Thanksgiving

Six years ago, on November 9, 2004, I fell down the back steps of our house, on my way outside to hang diapers on the line.  This Wednesday afternoon, in a race out the door to make it to the library before it closed for the holiday, I fell down the same steps, in the […]


Nearly a month ago, I excitedly posted about the yarn that I had spun. The lovely Erin over at exhale. return to center, whom I am honored to call my friend, saw my post and offered me some wool.  How on earth could I say no?! Not long after our email exchange, this package arrived […]

Dia de los Muertos :: The Celebration

Overall, The Day of the Dead party turned out to be quite the celebration.  The weather was quite cool, but a welcome change from the usual heat. Friends and family from far and wide, old and new, came together to celebrate life. We ate. We played. We celebrated while my handmade papel picado banners flapped […]

Finished / Unfinished

After all the time, and all the fuss that was made (or not made) over this painting, here it is, finished and in its frame.  I have so many thoughts and feelings tied up in this painting.  I started it in 2007, and had to stop working on it because I found out I was […]

The Miracle of the Beach

How fortunate I am to live ten minutes away from the beach.  We have recently started the after-dinner trip to the beach again.  This is something we used to enjoy when we were a family of three, what seems like so many years ago. The beach is wonderful in the evening.  The crowds are thinning, […]

The Place Where Magic Lives

It’s amazing what tiny things you notice when you are only 35 inches tall.  The Girl found these hidden in our backyard under a much larger plant.  They were entirely invisible from my point of view. “Look Mama, it’s magic!” she told me. If only I could manage to stay in that place (literally and […]

I Painted Today

This was the scene in my dining room today.  While The Girl napped, I painted for the first time since I found out I was pregnant with her, over three years ago.  This is the painting I had to stop working on, and it has hung in my kitchen, unfinished, for three years. I hardly […]

Random Thoughts and a Late Summer Dinner

I’ve been off the computer lately.  Trying to be anyway.  I see what a huge timesuck it can be for me, so sometimes I try to take a step back from it when I see I am turning it on too many times a day.  It feels good.  So there’s been a lot of time […]

The Promise of a New Journal

I’ve been feeling a bit mixed up lately.  Lots of Big Thoughts going through my head.  Thoughts about home, life, children, education, religion.  You know, the little things. Sometimes when I feel a bit scrambled and need to think or just vent, I reach for my journal.  Only this time I pulled out my journal […]

A Pretty Good Sick Day, or, Cookie Love Part 3

We are all a little under the weather here. I made Andy’s Chicken Soup, which is still my all-time favorite chicken soup. And while I was at it with the comfort food, I made some fresh-from-the-oven chocolate chip cookies.  No, in my sickened state, I was not slaving away making fresh cookies.  Earlier in the […]